Research Promotion Update

Hello, my name is Justin Albo and I am honoured to be the Manitoba Research Promotion Chair for this season. This position plays an important role in the overall composition of the ASHRAE board. It is important to understand what is taking place in our profession and the Research Promotion Chair helps to raise awareness of what is taking place.  ASHRAE and its partners are currently performing a tremendous amount of research and undertaking many projects around the world that will have an impact. These research projects are supported by donations from industry and your contributions help to make a difference. ASHRAE is helping to improve the world in the HVAC&R sciences by allowing industry members to connect and collaborate. They need your continued support. I see the value in ASHRAE based on all my experience with them and that is why I have been an honour roll donor since 2018. I invite you to join me.

I am a mechanical consulting engineer and have been a member of ASHRAE since 2014. I joined the organization based on a recommendation from our current president, Corey Nation. Upon becoming a member, I quickly saw the benefits of my association with ASHRAE. It provided me with an opportunity to expand my network, connect with many interesting people in my chapter and learn more about the profession. I wanted to contribute in a meaningful way, so I became a member of the Manitoba Chapter board shortly after joining the organization. I have worked my way through various board positions, ultimately becoming the President of the Manitoba Chapter in 2020. I continue to be involved in my current role as Research Promotion Chair. I can truly say that ASHRAE has had a strong impact on my professional life by allowing me to gain insights about the industry and where it is headed, attend many training sessions and meet many others from around North America. I encourage you to become involved with ASHRAE at any point in your career, you won’t regret it.